Creating your Business with AI

When considering your project think about what type of business you want to create and service/product or both your would like to offer. As we approach the use of AI in development you want to consider the domains in which it will play a role building your business. 

In software development, domains often referenced include the “solution domain” which focuses on the technical aspects of solving the problem, the “user domain” which considers the needs and perspectives of the users, and the “business domain” which encompasses the organizational context and goals related to the problem. 

Key points about different domains:

  • Problem Domain:

This is the core area of focus, analyzing the specific problem, its constraints, and requirements within the context of the user’s needs.

  • Solution Domain:

This is where technical solutions are designed, considering the technologies, algorithms, and architectures needed to address the problem within the problem domain.

  • User Domain:

This focuses on understanding the user’s needs, behavior, and expectations, ensuring the solution is user-friendly and aligns with their workflow.

  • Business Domain:

This considers the organizational goals, constraints, and potential impact of the solution on the business operations.

As we move throughout the course you will use this as a reference to solve the problems we will face developing your online business.